Another very busy period for us with both UK and International works. Can wash alignment works in both France and the Czech Republic. Large alignment projects incorporating the initial surveys and final realignment on sites producing plastic film and similar projects on 3 injection moulding process lines in South Wales. Full realignment to a textile […]
June, July and August updates
Following the easing of the Covid travel restrictions, we had probably the busiest 3 month period in our 22 year history. Corrugator surveys and realignment projects on many sites in the UK and Ireland. Alignment surveys at BMW Swindon. Can washer alignment works at UK manufacturing sites as well as end user sites in […]
April / May update
With the Covid pandemic taking its toll on border restrictions and international travel, we were quite lucky with machine alignment surveys on sites around the UK – From Fabric / textile producers, Corrugated board manufacturers to plastic fil manufacturers.
February / March update
Very busy few months with international works: We had a project in Egypt where we had one of our project engineers managing the installation of new equipment with local labour. Two large maintenance jobs on 2 large car presses in both Turkey and France. Several alignment surveys to production lines around the UK. In […]
January Update
2020 started very busy as anticipated, with work being carried out in Northern France, Cheshire, Brighton and Somerset.
December Update
Last month of 2019! What a year it has been. To finish the year off we have been spending our time in Cheshire, Newcastle and Northern France, working on a range of machines from holographic machines, car press to extruding lines and corrugators.
November Update
Another interesting month for Optimech, with a job taking a team to San Francisco, where they managed to take time after the job to visit some of the many tourist attractions USA has to offer. A project in Egypt and also Wales whilst smaller jobs where carried out around England.
October Update
This month took Optimech to Zurich, Amsterdam and various parts of the UK. With jobs ranging from machine alignment to mechanical maintenance.
September Update
During September Optimech spent time in Scotland on contact cleaning machines, Wales on coating machines and various parts of the UK assisting customers in Mechanical maintenance and Machine Alignment.
August Update
This month took optimech to South Korea working on a Can Washer Machine on completion of this job the engineers managed to visit the Korean Demilitarized Zone. We also completed work in different parts of the UK and further work in Turkey.